Friday Apr 28, 2023
No Mow May
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Originating in the UK, 'No Mow May' aims to pause mowing during the month of May, allowing flowers to bloom in your lawn to help early season pollinators. Since the viral trend is now gaining traction in North America, we decided to discuss some of the pros and cons, explore alternative lawn care methods, and do we need to build a Motel 6 for bees?
Subscribe to The Biofriendly Podcast: https://www.biofriendlyplanet.com
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Has Earth Day Gone Corporate?
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Happy Earth Day! To celebrate the 53rd year of Earth Day on April 22nd, Jacob decided to bring in a pop quiz about this year's theme, "Invest in our Planet." Things take a wild turn as Noel gets worked into a frenzy by corporate jargon and the floodgates break open about some of the frustrating aspects of the green business. As we work together to change our world, we hope to be a beacon of light in a gloomy environment and have a good laugh about the things that drive us crazy.
Friday Apr 14, 2023
All That Glitters Is Plastic
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
We all know that glitter can add pizzazz to your party, but these tiny shimmering sparkles may be more of a problem for our planet than you thought! This week on The Biofriendly Podcast we talk about just how much waste this nano-plastic leaves behind, share some unusual glitter alternatives, and are the boys bad at Dungeons & Dragons?
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Despite the Fighting, Happiness is Up by 25%
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
After spending only a few minutes online, you'll be convinced that the world has never been more divided as everyone seems to be at each other's throats. However according to the latest data collected by the World Happiness Report, we are doing much better than we thought! This week on The Biofriendly Podcast we delve into some of the anger-baiting news topics, and how certain countries are rising above the petty squabbles, and will the children of tomorrow ditch the news forever?
Find us at BiofriendlyPlanet.com
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Capturing Wind Energy Without Blades
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Wind turbines come with a fair number of challenges, many of which make them difficult to install on top of buildings or homes due to their size. But can a new rooftop technology harness wind power quietly with the same airflow science for race cars? This week on The Biofriendly Podcast we look at motionless wind generation, why you need to know which birds are in danger, and do Noel and Jacob only have 30 minute memories?
Find us at BiofriendlyPlanet.com
Friday Mar 24, 2023
What is Carbon Capture and Storage?
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Every day we continue to push more carbon into the air from our biggest industries around the world. While a lot of efforts are being made toward renewables, we still need a solution on how to capture carbon from our atmosphere and store it away safely. This week on The Biofriendly Podcast we discuss a recent carbon capture discovery that uses copper, how some tech companies have some crazy ways of storing carbon, and it's important to remember that this... is a show about patience.
Find us at BiofriendlyPlanet.com
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Enzyme Energy and Mycelium Meat
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Is it possible to pull energy out of thin air? A recent discovery of a natural enzyme that can produce electricity from hydrogen in our atmosphere could be a game changer. And with the popularity of TV shows like The Last Of Us, you may be concerned about seeing a bundle of branching fungi known as mycelium (or mushroom root), but it could be a delicious and nutritious meat substitute. You have to listen to this week's Biofriendly Podcast for your blend of education and silliness.
Find us at BiofriendlyPlanet.com
Friday Mar 10, 2023
The High Seas Treaty and the Dread Pirate Veronica
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
After nearly two decades of negotiations, the United Nations High Seas Treaty has finally been approved to conserve and sustainably use our ocean beyond national boundaries. This week on The Biofriendly Podcast we discuss what the High Seas Treaty aims to accomplish, how we can prevent further sea-faring shenanigans, and do Noel and Jacob need to call upon the Dread Pirate Veronica to inspire fear and love?